Current information

Dear guests,

the thorough cleaning of our apartments and public areas is very important to us at all times. Currently, we have once again intensified our efforts and are continuously rethinking our work processes. We have developed a detailed hygiene concept and have trained all employees in this regard.


  • All employees are regularly instructed (in writing) on the general hygiene measures and Corona rules of conduct.
  • Compliance with the measures is constantly monitored.
  • All employees have been instructed that if they feel ill, they must not come to work but must first consult a doctor.
  • All employees have been provided with mouth and nose protection.
  • The supplement to the risk assessment in terms of the SARS_CoV2 occupational health and safety standard is on display in the building.
  • There is a pandemic and an infection emergency plan. These are posted for all employees to access.
  • All apartments and corridors are regularly and thoroughly ventilated.

Test offer

  • Sufficient rapid tests are available to our employees. In addition, the nearest public testing stations are known and employees know what to do if they test positive.
  • Free testing opportunities for you in the vicinity:

Clipper Boardinghouse Hamburg-Holzhafen in the Fischauktionshalle

Clipper Boardinghouse Berlin-Gendarmenmarkt in the Restaurant Erdinger


  • Working objects (e.g. vacuum cleaner), which are used by several employees, are touched only with gloves.
  • To protect our employees, we currently clean the apartments only in the absence of guests.
  • Each time the apartments are cleaned, the dishwasher is rinsed at the highest temperature and all surfaces are disinfected.
  • The surfaces in all public areas are regularly disinfected.

Reception area

  • Disinfection dispensers are available at all entrances and on the reception counter.
  • All guests are informed and sensitized by notices (German, English) about the hygiene and distance rules.
  • Waiting cords in the lobby area ensure that the minimum distance is maintained.
  • A protective screen has been installed in front of each workstation at the reception.
  • All employees are instructed to wear their masks as soon as they step in front of the Plexiglas screen.
  • Guests are encouraged to make contactless payments. A deposit box is used for handing over cash.
  • Our employees are instructed to ask guests in a friendly manner if they do not observe the minimum distance.

Personnel planning

  • Our employees are vaccinated, recovered or tested daily.
  • Duty start times have been changed so that fewer employees start at the same time and locker room occupancy is better distributed.
  • Breaks are taken alone or in small groups so that minimum spacing can be maintained.
  •  Hand sanitizer, skin care products and disposable gloves are available in sufficient quantities.
  • Each employee has been issued a mask. This is worn if the minimum distance cannot be maintained (e.g. if things have to be transported in pairs).
  • The offices, staff rooms and WCs are regularly disinfected.
  • If possible, only one employee works behind the counter at the reception desk. If more than one employee is temporarily working behind the counter, a mouth-nose protection is worn.

Documentation & Tracking

  • The entry and exit of outside companies / trades is documented with names, contact details and times.
  • All guests fill out a tracking form at check in, in addition to the registration form, indicating the date of stay and contact details.